I came to King’s in 2018.
I desired life in a big city and while I soon found out the city itself wasn’t for me, I stayed because my professors knew me by name and prayed over me and my classmate; we were invited to dinners at their houses and office hours where we could talk about life and seek out their wisdom. The small school culture is not for everyone, but as someone who loves community more than anything, I had found home.
I made the difficult decision my junior year to stay in California and attend my classes over zoom. It was an isolating year, and by August of 2021 I was ready to travel back to New York to finish my senior year.
The house system was my saving grace. My friends in the house of SBA welcomed me back that summer with open arms. I don’t know where I would’ve gone without them. I actually added a semester of school to my plate in order to stay with my house and be in community a few months longer.I think back on my growth as their chamberlain during the spring of 2022, and while that year was perhaps the most difficult I’ve ever gone through, I don’t know where I would be without it. The growth I experienced with my fellow Suzies and King’s students is unmatched.
I’m now a barista at a small but growing coffee shop in San Diego. It’s not the strategic institution I thought I would be leading once I graduated, but I’m on a team which honestly resembles the sisterhood I had with the house of SBA. I wouldn’t be who or where I am today without having attended The King’s College. I get asked often, “do you think college was worth it?” While I don’t know if I will ever pursue a higher degree, or really “use” my degree from King’s for a job, I always answer “yes of course.” The opportunities I had at King’s taught me how to think critically, lead joyfully, and pursue God’s kingdom no matter what my life looks like. My hopes and dreams for the future will forever be influenced in the best way by the home King’s gave me.

Jolie Mixer
Former Chamberlain | House of Susan B. Anthony | Class of '22
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