I am not the same person
I was when I started at King’s. I had looked forward, dreamed about, college since I was a little kid. King’s was not what I had expected but exactly what I needed. God was very clear to me that King’s was where I needed to go. I have only been here for a semester and a half, but I have been challenged and stretched so much. I have had the opportunity to dig through texts and wrestle with them which has led me to confront my beliefs and refine them. God has purged some painful things and drawn me closer to him through King’s. I know him better because of my classes. King’s is a unique school. The education we get here is different than any other schools. We are challenged with and immersed in great literature. We have the opportunity to connect our faith to history, literature, economics, philosophy, and art. We get to have close relationships with our professors. We are introduced to adulthood rather than coddled and treated like children. We get to seek Yahweh’s face through our education within the challenges of the city. We are pushed outside of our comfort zones, stretched and grown in ways we would not have been anywhere else. I am not the same person I was before King’s, I am better. There is still so much for me to learn here. I hope I will have the opportunity to. To an outsider, King’s may seem ordinary, but it is distinct, exceptional, and extraordinary.

Raychel Yost
Student | House of Queen Elizabeth I | Class of '26
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