When I came into Kings,
I was a drastically different person than I am today. And not in a good way. I was reserved, insecure about my abilities, and lacked spiritual depth. I didn’t know how to ask questions or assert myself. I was always conforming to the type of person that the people around me wanted me to be. Then I came to Kings (during a global pandemic, might I add) and it all changed.
Through the strong community I have built here, I have learned how to be authentically myself, regardless of the good, the bad, and the ugly that comes with that. I have learned to accept my insecurities and understand where they come from. I have also learned to love parts of myself that make me me, knowing that God has crafted me to reflect Him. I have had real friendships that meet me where I am and push me to grow, and I will carry these for the rest of my life.
I have grown academically in more ways than I can even think. I have learned how to love learning and my professors have cared so much more about who I am than what I get in their class. Academic formation works hand in hand with character formation at this school and I will forever be grateful for the ways it has taught me how to flourish.
Most importantly, I have grown spiritually. I have learned to question and wrestle and get annoyed with the Bible, then work through those things to grasp a deeper understanding and love for who God is and how he has created His world. I have seen him reflected in everyone around me and I have grown in knowledge and appreciation for His goodness in a new way.
Kings has equipped me, as it has equipped many others, with the tools and skills we need to live good, faithful lives beyond our time at the school. It has prepared me for my future by giving me skills that I can apply within many aspects of my life. I love this school.

Sarah Bensinger
House President | House of Corrie Ten Boom | Class of '23
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