Where do I start with The King’s College?
When you introduce yourself here it’s, “name, major, why King’s?” My name is Zoe Zimmerman, I’m a finance major, and I have no idea how I ended up at the King’s College, but I’m forever grateful that God put me here. I have considered transferring a few times but you just can’t part with this school. The mission of TKC is everything I’ve ever needed. I have been challenged in ways I never thought possible and have grown so much as a result.
The King’s College is so much more than its education. The true value of the school is in the small things: refuge, study groups in the library, school-wide inside jokes, and house events. The community, from current students to alumni, donors, and parents make for such a diverse, inviting environment that I’ve learned so much from.
The number one characteristic I would use to describe King’s is intentionality. Every event, rule, and experience is there for a reason. Since coming to King’s I have learned how to cook, dress professionally, and overall thrive independently. I’m 500 miles from my hometown and confident in my ability to complete any challenge thrown at me thanks to Kings. That’s why, even if the other path is easier, I will fight to stay at The King’s College. ♡

Zoe Zimmerman
Student | House of Susan B Anthony | Class of '25
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