To whom it may concern,
I applied to many schools after graduation. In my mind, knowledge was knowledge and it did not really matter where I learned it. I learned of King’s and it only took one small visit for me to recognize that this school holds a unique atmosphere of academic ambition and genuine community. I strongly desired to become a student here, which became possible due to their scholarship opportunities. Once I arrived, I felt seen as an individual and was given the support by faculty and peers that made the ambitious move to NYC possible. The grade of education extends beyond the knowledge for a degree, but rather into an instillation of desire and passion to use what we learn for the good of others and personal development. I have been challenged more than I expected to be and I have grown more than I could have imagined. King’s calls students to a high standard while helping them reach their potential. Without a doubt, King’s is my ‘dream school.’ I have only spent freshman year in the school, but it has been the most transformative season of my life. I pray that this incredible place will be able to bless thousands of others as I have been. I am confident that the ways I have grown pertain to King’s and can rarely be found elsewhere. All support to King’s makes a tangible impact for which I am grateful.
Trey Shell

Trey Shell
House Chamberlain | House of Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Class of '26
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