I didn’t want to live in New York City.
When I first visited the city in 2017, I told my mom that “New York is fine, but I would NEVER want to live here.” In 2020, a dear friend suggested I look at King’s for college. I saw that it was in New York and immediately pushed it aside. But for some reason, I kept circling back to it. It was nothing I thought I wanted (a small Christian school in New York City), but its uniqueness was undeniable. I was drawn to the academics, the idea of being deeply known by students and faculty, and learning to grow in confidence through once in a lifetime opportunities. Long story short, I came to King’s. The people who know me well would tell you that I was so clearly led to King’s by everything short of God’s booming voice from heaven.
King’s is different than I imagined, and it is infinitely sweeter. In one semester, I have met two forever friends, had professors that have pushed me and cared for me, and have fallen in love with New York City. Without Kings, I would have drowned moving here. Without Kings, I simply would not have moved here. It is my community, my home away from home. It is filled with people who are in my corner. Because of Kings, I know what it is to delight in learning, believe you are capable of more, and be brave.
I came to King’s during a season of personal abundance, and it breaks my heart that King’s is having to function in the midst of scarcity. Everything costs something: money, time, thought. It has cost me to come to King’s. For
everything that it has given me, even in one semester, I will spend my life believing that it was worth the cost. God’s way is better than mine.
everything that it has given me, even in one semester, I will spend my life believing that it was worth the cost. God’s way is better than mine.
Please consider giving. I love my church here in the city (Church of the City) and every week we say a generosity liturgy. I’ve been reflecting on the words recently, and maybe they’ll remind you to be generous in whatever way you’re able, whether financially or in your prayers.
“Holy Father, there is nothing I have that You have not given me. All I have and am belong to You, bought with the blood of Jesus. To spend everything on myself, and to give without sacrifice, is the way of the world that You cannot abide.
But generosity is the way of those who call Christ their Lord; who love Him with free hearts and serve Him with renewed minds. Who withstand the delusion of riches that chokes the word; Whose hearts are in your kingdom and not in the systems of the world.
I am determined to increase in generosity until it can be said that there is no needy person among us. I am determined to be trustworthy with such a little thing as money that You may trust me with true riches.
Above all, I am determined to be generous because You, Father, are generous. It is the delight of Your daughters and sons to share Your traits, and to show what You are like to all the world.
With hope,
McKenna Peterson

McKenna Peterson
Student | House of Sojourner Truth | Class of '25
You Can Invest in a Story Like This.