“I’m more and more grateful for my King’s degree.”
And, “A Kings’ education is like good wine; it improves with age.” I regularly say this to my peers, my students, and my co-workers. I work on a secular state university as an ordained Presbyterian minister. I am called by Christ’s bride to shepherd students through the turbulent years of college spiritually, emotionally, socially, and intellectually. I praise my Kings’ degree because it did not teach me how to think like “them,” (whoever “them” is). Rather, Kings taught me to ask, “What is a human being?” and “What are they for?” and “How can we flourish as societies and individuals?” Thus, King’s is one part academic, one part humane, and one part Christian, and all parts preparation for civilized, faithful witness and leadership. With my PP&E degree, I am confident enough to dialogue with any student or professor about the university and society, but yet receptive enough to learn from them, listen to them, and Lord willing, share the hope of Christ’s Good News with them.

Jonathan Clark
Alumnus | House of Ronald Reagan | Class of '12
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