The King's college.
I’m almost at a loss for words in trying to describe how this school impacted my life. It was surprisingly the last school I applied to, but yet the one that I loved the most. As someone who already lived in New York, the location was one of the first checks off my list for an ideal college. When I arrived I was not disappointed. All my expectations were met, and beyond. Kings was very much giving “a Christian institution”, as it had been advertised. From the prayers before class to the deep conversations between classmates. You’d think that a Christian college would coddle you and reinforce your beliefs, but I found the opposite at The King’s College. I quickly learned that, as Dr. Dru Johnson would say, not everyone spoke Christan-ese. We were made up of different denominations, backgrounds, cultures, and mindsets. I LOVE THAT. We could agree on the fundamentals, but still have healthy debates on the interpretation of both scripture, as well as famous doctrines. And that's not to say that I’ve abandoned my own beliefs, rather I got a radical awakening that there's a world outside Eldaa’s bubble. I guess you can go as far as to say that Kings helped me mature. Our location and business casual dress code help me to adjust to the world that I'm to enter once I graduate, and the house system has helped me to form long-term relationships. Needless to say, it's only my first year, but I have faith that whatever happens next with kings, I'll be better off than I was prior.
Student | House of Corrie Ten Boom | Class of '26
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