It was a few months into my first semester at King’s
as a transfer student and I was sitting in the classroom waiting for Christianity & Society to start. In walks Dr. Bradley, decked out in his bowtie and Clemson pants. Before class started, he explained that he was wearing the pants because Clemson’s basketball team was playing in the NIT at Madison Square Garden later that night. He mentioned he had some extra tickets and wanted to know if any of us wanted to go. New to King’s, I laughed it off assuming he was somewhat joking, and got my notebook out to get ready for class. However, as a basketball fan and having never been to Madison Square Garden I figured I would take him up on the offer, so after class I told him I would love to go if he was actually up for it. Excitedly, he told me to pick a friend to come along and to meet him in Midtown a little before gametime. Although Clemson lost, we had a great time and it turned into a tradition during my time at King’s where we would go to the NIT Championship game every year, even if Clemson wasn’t playing.
There are so many great memories during my time at King’s from playing basketball and travelling all over the Tri-State area with my teammates to participating in Interregnum with the House of Bonhoeffer. However, the story of Dr. Bradley in Christianity & Society is one of the first stories that comes to mind when thinking over the fantastic fellowship at King’s. The great sense of community that is created by a faculty that wants to be involved not just in the education of students, but the development of students is what truly sets King’s apart. You simply don’t see professors playing chess with students in the fishbowl during lunch or taking students out to dinner to discuss life at any college or university. So, thank you, King’s for providing fantastic memories and surrounding us with professors and mentors that cared and continue to care for us.

James Brooks
Former Men's Basketball Captain | House of Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Class of '17
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