The motto of The King’s College is “good, brave, and ready”.
It’s easy to feel good, brave, and ready when there are no challenges we face. When the periods of waiting,
uncertainty, and anxiety come is when our possession of these values is tested. I chose Kings as my ride-or-die early in 2022. I decided that I would either be accepted or take a gap year and apply again the next fall. Scrolling on my phone one night, or early morning, rather, I decided to check my inbox as I had many times, hoping, and also fearing a certain email from the college. I remember now the feeling of seeing the email. As I clicked on it, the little animated burst of confetti across my screen as I read the word, “Congratulations!” I cried, prayed, and woke my sister up at three in the morning to shine the bright light of my phone screen into her face to tell her I’d been accepted.
uncertainty, and anxiety come is when our possession of these values is tested. I chose Kings as my ride-or-die early in 2022. I decided that I would either be accepted or take a gap year and apply again the next fall. Scrolling on my phone one night, or early morning, rather, I decided to check my inbox as I had many times, hoping, and also fearing a certain email from the college. I remember now the feeling of seeing the email. As I clicked on it, the little animated burst of confetti across my screen as I read the word, “Congratulations!” I cried, prayed, and woke my sister up at three in the morning to shine the bright light of my phone screen into her face to tell her I’d been accepted.
Months of waiting and happy anticipation later, I found myself standing at the doors of Albee, being welcomed by throngs of King’s students. That is the first thing I loved about this college. I’m not afraid to admit that I struggle with separation anxiety, but the community and welcome I experienced were more than I could have ever foreseen. I truly felt at home, every night as I met in friends’ apartments, always feeling the connection of the godly men and women around me. Upperclassmen and freshmen alike all joined together to create one beautiful home and family. I have always struggled with being away from my family for any length of time, and I feared that I would not be able to be on my own for so long. But God made sure that I would not be left by myself, as upperclassmen especially from my house consistently reached out and made themselves available to me. I knew I could rely on upperclassmen, and I knew I could relate to freshmen.
My classes have been challenging so far, but if something isn’t difficult, it’s probably not worth your time. While some days are busy and difficult, I enjoy learning what King’s has to offer, and the professors are always there to help when I need. King’s, its code, and its community keeps me accountable in and outside of class and encourages me to strive for excellence in everything. I may not have been here for as long as many others, but I am happy to be able to call myself a student of The King’s College. God has and will continue to use King’s and all the people influenced by it for His glory and for the good of his people. I thank God that He chooses to show me the meaning of community and independence through my house, my classes, and The King’s College.

Emma Jones
Student | House of Sojourner Truth | Class of '26
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