Dear Reader,
The first time I read Augustine’s Confessions was for my freshman philosophy class my first
semester. In book 1 chapter 15 Augustine writes that “free curiosity has greater power to
stimulate learning than rigorous coercion.” Every class I’ve taken at Kings has encouraged “free
curiosity;” every class has reintroduced me to the joy of learning. I've been pushed to explore
every idea, go down every rabbit trail, and argue for every side in order to understand the extent
of the pursuit of truth. The Kings’ education is challenging, but it’s fruitful.
semester. In book 1 chapter 15 Augustine writes that “free curiosity has greater power to
stimulate learning than rigorous coercion.” Every class I’ve taken at Kings has encouraged “free
curiosity;” every class has reintroduced me to the joy of learning. I've been pushed to explore
every idea, go down every rabbit trail, and argue for every side in order to understand the extent
of the pursuit of truth. The Kings’ education is challenging, but it’s fruitful.
King's curriculum, professors, and community has been the most formative part of my
life these past two years, and I am beyond thankful for the growth I’ve experienced while here.
My faith has been shaped by faculty who are willing to go out of their way to disciple and pray
over me, showing me what kind of support I could be giving to others. My understanding of
culture and the significance of loving others has been shaped by my time spent in NYC; getting
lunch with a homeless man or carrying a stroller up the subway stairs are of little inconvenience
to me and have shown me that kindness can mean the world to others. Having the opportunity to
be a part of leadership through King’s house system has taught me so much about what it means
to serve others. The community at Kings has been the most unique, loving and invested listeners;
and it is because of this community that I have the confidence to openly grow into the woman I
was created to be.
life these past two years, and I am beyond thankful for the growth I’ve experienced while here.
My faith has been shaped by faculty who are willing to go out of their way to disciple and pray
over me, showing me what kind of support I could be giving to others. My understanding of
culture and the significance of loving others has been shaped by my time spent in NYC; getting
lunch with a homeless man or carrying a stroller up the subway stairs are of little inconvenience
to me and have shown me that kindness can mean the world to others. Having the opportunity to
be a part of leadership through King’s house system has taught me so much about what it means
to serve others. The community at Kings has been the most unique, loving and invested listeners;
and it is because of this community that I have the confidence to openly grow into the woman I
was created to be.
I will forever be thankful for the lessons I’ve received from Kings, both in the classroom
and outside of it.
and outside of it.
Greta Williams
Greta Williams

Greta Williams
House Chamberlain | House of Clara Barton | Class of '25
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