Dear Kings,
I remember exactly where I was when I found out you exist. I was sitting at the kitchen island and somehow you ended up on my Instagram discovery page. Sixteen year old Kennedy took note of the name, The King’s College, and decided that the next three years of her life would be dedicated to reaching her dream; attending a small Christian school in the heart of New York.
In all honesty, my parents wanted nothing to do with you. New York City was not on their list of places for me to move. But I was (and still am) stubborn. I knew you were the only college that was tailored perfectly for me. After visiting King’s for a Day, participating in Inviso, and competing in the Founders scholarship you were *finally* able to convince Bob and Sandy Dickie that their little girl belonged in that office building we call campus.
I arrived in the city, moved into Devos (as one of the first residents there!), and began my journey towards influencing strategic institutions. During my time with you I was challenged... a lot. I lived in an Airbnb after a less-than-ideal mildew situation freshman year, was forced to return to that same kitchen island where I found you during covid my sophomore year, and had an emergency appendectomy my junior year just to name a few. No matter what was going on, you were strong and provided me endless resources for the help and support I needed.
In those four years I was also rewarded with the most kind, generous, and thoughtful professors who deeply cared about me as a person, not as a name on an assignment. If it weren’t for Dr. Bleattler I wouldn’t have had a career in my dream industry. I was constantly inspired by the professors and staff as they tackled working in their industry alongside teaching us. I was comforted by the women of my house who dropped anything to bring me soup on a sick day, or help me carry garment bags of clothing for my internship. I am grateful that you brought me my best friends, some of them even after we graduated. The community inside your walls is unmatched and is one of the greatest gifts you have to offer.
My time with you was not perfect. We had lots of ups and downs. A couple disagreements. But, after four years you proved my 16 year old self right. There was nowhere else better designed for me. You helped me grow into myself and without you I’m not sure what 22 year old Kennedy would be up to. I wouldn’t have changed a thing (...not even the mildew).
I remember exactly where I was when I found out that you might have to close your doors. I was grabbing drinks with a group of Suzie’s. My heart broke just a little knowing that the 4 years I spent with you were some of the hardest, most draining, but most rewarding years of my life. And, I might have been one of the last students to make it through those years. That is incredibly disappointing past the definition of the word. What you have to offer to the world, influencing those strategic institutions, isn’t just a silly punchline. It’s the reality of what you do and I hope with everything that there will be hundreds of future King’s students who have that same opportunity.
With all the love and endless thanks,
Kennedy Dickie
Kennedy Dickie

Kennedy Dickie
Alumna | House of Susan B. Anthony | Class of '22
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