During my time at The King’s College,
I have met some of my best friends, been personally cared for by faculty members, and have grown significantly as a follower of Christ. Around Thanksgiving time, I broke my collarbone and needed surgery. During this time, friends and professors were eager to do anything they could to help me out. Professors were very understanding and happily gave me extensions on all of the work I had missed. I had friends lend me blankets to prop my arm up as I slept, type essays for me, and even bring french fries to the hotel I was staying at with my mom. Faculty members were constantly checking in on me and asking for updates through the whole process. I have made some of my closest friends and built great relationships with professors during my first semester in New York City, so I am very grateful for my time at The King’s College.

Collin Underhill
Student | House of Sir Winston Churchill | Class of '26
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